No.3 動物運搬車 初回特別カラー,No.3 Animal Transporter Limited Color Edition



英語名:No.3 Animal Transporter Limited Color Edition

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トミカ (箱) No.3 動物運搬車 【 ネコポス不可 】

トミカ (箱) No.3 動物運搬車 【 ネコポス不可 】
480 円 (税込)
▼この商品は【トミカ (箱) No.3 動物運搬車】です。 子供にも大人にも大人気の定番TOMICAです!! こちらは箱タイプです。 アクション:本体取り外し/動物脱着 発売日:2012年4月21日 ■22463 ■メーカー:タカラトミー ■分類:玩具 ■code:20161108 ■JAN:4904810438908(C)TOMY

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楽天ウェブサービスセンター CS Shop

本日ご紹介するダイキャストミニカーは、タカラトミートミカNo.3 動物運搬車 初回特別カラー」。

おそらく多くの人が一度は目にしたことがあるトミカのシリーズ。その中でもNo.3 動物運搬車は、日産自動車が製造・販売している「プロフィア」をベースとしています。この日産プロフィアは、実際の業界ではダンプカー、タンクローリー、ミキサー車としての役割で頼りにされています。


しかし、トミカのNo.3 動物運搬車に関しては、正直に言うと少し疑問が残ります。おもちゃ屋さんに行ってこのトミカを手に取る子供は、果たしてどれほどいるのでしょうか?私としては、レギュラートミカをすべて揃えようと思ったとき、このモデルは「本当に必要?」と思ってしまいました。


それに、このNo.3 動物運搬車を選ぶ子供は果たしてどれほどいるのでしょうか。企画段階でこれが通ったのには驚きます。しかも、このモデルの販売年数は長いですよね。もしかして、在庫をすべて売り切るまで販売しているのかな?


結論として、No.3 動物運搬車には一定のファンもいるかと思いますが、私としては他のトミカモデルに比べて少し物足りなさを感じてしまいます。



1992年: スーパードルフィンの新時代



1994年以降: プロフィアの成長









2003年10月、グランドプロフィアは11年半の時を経て大きな転機を迎えました。そのサブネーム「グランド」を取り払い、「プロフィア」として再出発。最新の短期排出ガス規制をクリアしたエンジンは、全車に直6インタークーラー付きターボが搭載されました。特に、メーカーオプションでDPRを装着したモデルは、超低PM排出ディーゼル車認定制度の85%低減レベル(★4つ, PK-規制)を獲得しています。




  • 2004年10月:第38回東京モーターショーでASVトラクターを展示。
  • 2005年12月:平成17年排出ガス規制に対応したE13Cエンジン搭載車を発表。
  • 2006年:追突被害軽減ブレーキシステムを導入した車型を追加。6月には、平成27年度重量車燃費基準をクリアした車両を発売。
  • 2007年:エンジンをP11C型から新開発のA09C型に更新。10月にはASVトラクターを再び東京モーターショーで披露。
  • 2010年4月:排出ガス規制への対応として、新技術「AIR LOOP」を導入。ホイールデザインや安全装備もリニューアル。
  • 2014年4月:エンジンや車載システムの大幅改良。安全性能の向上が図られた。
  • 2015年:オートサロンやオートメッセに展示の後、10月にはハイブリッドモデルを東京モーターショーで公開。


3代目プロフィアの軌跡 – 2017年から現在まで



2017年 – 新時代の幕開け

2017年4月5日:記憶に新しい13年6か月ぶりのフルモデルチェンジ。この新モデルのキャッチコピーは「人を思う、次の100年へ。」。さらに、CMでの猪塚健太の出演が話題となりました。技術的な側面では、平成28年排出ガス規制をクリアしたエンジンの搭載や、新たなICTサービス機能の追加が実施されました。 同年10月、11月:プロフィアが2017年度のグッドデザイン賞とグッドデザイン金賞を双方受賞、デザインの優れた点が評価されました。 同年1月:東京オートサロンにおいてプロフィアが華々しく出品されました。

2018年 – 技術革新の年

2018年5月31日:セミトラクターがフルモデルチェンジを迎え、「HINO CONNECT」というユーザー向けICTサービス機能が採用されるなど、さらなる進化を遂げました。

2019年 – 安全への取り組み

2019年3月29日:より安全な運転環境を目指し、可変配光型LEDヘッドランプや新たなドライバーモニターIIなどの先進的な安全装備が加わりました。 2019年5月28日:エコ志向を加速させる形で、ハイブリッドモデルと特に注目のハイブリッド冷凍車「COOL Hybrid」が新たにラインナップに加わりました。

2020年 – 環境への挑戦

2020年3月23日:トヨタ自動車との協力により、プロフィアFRベースの燃料電池トラックの開発を公表。 2020年4月6日:セミトラクターもさらなるマイナーチェンジを実施。これにより、安全装備が一層強化され、新しいオプションも追加されました。

2022年 – 試練の時


2023年 – 再起の兆し



The Tomica series is probably something that many people have seen at least once in their lives. Among them, the No.3 Animal Transporter is based on the “Profia” manufactured and sold by Nissan Motors. This Nissan Profia, in the actual industry, is relied upon in roles as a dump truck, tanker, and mixer truck.

There’s no shortage of children who deeply love large trucks. I myself fondly recall being enamored with trucks during my kindergarten days. The show featuring Bunta Sugawara in “Truck Yaro” was truly a joy to watch.

However, I must admit that I have some reservations about Tomica’s No.3 Animal Transporter. How many kids, when they go to a toy store, will actually pick up this Tomica? For me, when I thought about collecting all the regular Tomicas, I questioned, “Do I really need this model?”

Of course, I understand that Tomica aims to appeal to various age groups of children. But, it feels like this particular model might have a somewhat narrow target audience. Those who typically want a Tomica are likely boys or perhaps niche adult enthusiasts. Moreover, many kids are probably drawn more to flashy sports cars. They would also often opt for Tomicas of cars that they commonly see around their homes.

So, how many children are choosing this No.3 Animal Transporter? I’m genuinely surprised that this model got the green light during its planning phase. Additionally, this model has been on sale for quite a long time. I wonder if they plan to keep selling it until all stock is sold out?

Furthermore, the design allows for the front and back of this model to be detached. But due to this feature, it becomes challenging to run it on Tomica tracks. It tends to topple over easily, leading to a bit of frustration. Interestingly, running just the front part of the truck without the animal transporting section might actually result in a more stable drive.

In conclusion, while I believe there might be a specific fan base for the No.3 Animal Transporter, personally, I feel it’s somewhat lacking when compared to other Tomica models.

The Evolutionary Path of Super Dolphin Profia

In the trucking industry, the name “Super Dolphin Profia” stands out prominently. Its history began in 1992, bringing a revolution to Japan’s logistics industry. Let’s look back at its history and evolution.

1992: A New Era for Super Dolphin In May 1992, the Super Dolphin underwent its first full model change in 11 years. At this time, it was newly christened with the sub-name “Profia,” signaling the dawn of a new generation. From a design perspective, it inherited the aesthetics of its predecessor, the Cruising Ranger, and thus, many similarities between the two were evident.

In terms of the engine, a variety of types were introduced, notably the innovative engine one-key operation becoming standard equipment. A particularly distinctive design element was the front grille with three holes between the headlights. Furthermore, the new “HINO” logo and power windows with sliding mechanisms were adopted. The catchy slogans of this period, “Full Model Change of Transportation Culture” and “Logistics for the 21st Century,” were memorable, especially when accompanied by commercials featuring the actor Hiroshi Yakusho.

1994 and Beyond: Profia’s Growth Two years later, in 1994, the Profia evolved further with the introduction of the L series. By 1998, enhancements such as discharge headlights, driver’s seat airbags, and ABS became standard for all models, improving safety. In 2000, a new design known as the “Teravi face” was introduced, revamping the front end. In 2002, in response to noise regulations, V-type engines were discontinued in some models.

Profia on Display The allure of the Profia was evident when it was showcased at the Tokyo Motor Show in both 2000 and 2002, cementing its strong presence.

Conclusion From its inception to the present day, the Super Dolphin Profia has continued to grow as a vital figure in Japan’s trucking industry. By reflecting on its history and evolution, one can truly appreciate its significance and transformation over the years.

Evolution and Features of the Second Generation Profia

Transitioning from the name Grand Profia, Profia began carving out a new history. Here, we delve into the transition and appeal of its second generation.

2003: A Fresh Start In October 2003, after 11 and a half years, the Grand Profia reached a significant milestone. Shedding its “Grand” sub-name, it was relaunched as “Profia.” Engines that cleared the latest short-term emissions regulations were introduced, with all vehicles equipped with a straight-6 turbo with an intercooler. Notably, models equipped with a DPR as a manufacturer option achieved the ultra-low PM emission diesel vehicle certification system’s 85% reduction level (4 stars, PK-regulation).

In terms of design, there were innovative changes. Accelerator and brake pedals shifted from organ-type to suspended type. Tail lights also transitioned to a triple-sequence design, arranged from the outside as orange, red, red. While the fundamental design followed the high-mounted cab style, a transition to the low-mounted cab became possible.

Choices for the driver’s seat expanded as well, with standard, air suspension, and the high-functionality ISRINGHAUSEN-made seats available, allowing selections based on the vehicle type.

Profia’s Journey in a Timeline October 2004: Displayed the ASV tractor at the 38th Tokyo Motor Show. December 2005: Announced vehicles equipped with the E13C engine in response to the 2005 emission regulations. 2006: Introduced models with a rear-end collision damage reduction braking system. In June, vehicles meeting the 2015 heavy vehicle fuel efficiency standards were released. 2007: Updated the engine from the P11C type to the newly developed A09C type. In October, the ASV tractor was showcased again at the Tokyo Motor Show. April 2010: Introduced the new technology “AIR LOOP” in response to emissions regulations. Wheel designs and safety equipment were also renewed. April 2014: Significant improvements to the engine and onboard systems. Efforts to enhance safety features were made. 2015: After displays at the Auto Salon and Auto Messe, the hybrid model was unveiled at the Tokyo Motor Show in October.

This second-generation Profia, combining continuous evolution with cutting-edge features, has garnered trust as a core player in the trucking industry from numerous professionals.

The Legacy of the Third Generation Profia – From 2017 to Present

Sales History of the Third Generation Profia From 2017 to 2023, the third generation Profia raced through the times. During this period, a series of new lineups were introduced, excluding snowplows and yard-exclusive vehicles. Semi-tractors have also seen robust sales since 2018.

2017 – The Dawn of a New Era April 5, 2017: A long-awaited full model change after 13 years and 6 months. The catchphrase for this new model was “Thinking of People, for the Next 100 Years.” Furthermore, Kentaro Izutsu’s appearance in commercials became a talking point. Technically, the engine met the 2016 emission regulations, and new ICT service functions were added. October and November of the same year: Profia received both the Good Design Award and the Good Design Gold Award for 2017, highlighting its exemplary design. January of that year: Profia made a dazzling appearance at the Tokyo Auto Salon.

2018 – The Year of Technological Innovation May 31, 2018: The semi-tractor underwent a full model change, and further evolved with the adoption of a user-oriented ICT service feature called “HINO CONNECT.”

2019 – Commitment to Safety March 29, 2019: Aiming for a safer driving environment, advanced safety equipment such as variable illumination LED headlights and a new Driver Monitor II were introduced. May 28, 2019: In an effort to promote eco-friendliness, a hybrid model and the notably anticipated hybrid refrigerated truck “COOL Hybrid” were newly added to the lineup.

2020 – Challenges for the Environment March 23, 2020: In collaboration with Toyota Motor Corporation, the development of a fuel cell truck based on Profia FR was announced. April 6, 2020: The semi-tractor underwent further minor changes, enhancing safety features and introducing new options.

2022 – Testing Times March 2022: Engine malpractices came to light, leading to a temporary halt in Profia shipments. Moreover, a significant setback occurred with the revocation of model designation from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

2023 – Signs of a Comeback January 31, 2023: A reapplication to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism was accepted, with shipments expected to resume by mid-February.

In summary, the third generation Profia has navigated through innovation, challenges, and temporary adversities. Its journey can be seen as a mirror reflecting the future of the truck industry. There are high hopes for its future trajectory.

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トミカ (箱) No.3 動物運搬車 【 ネコポス不可 】

トミカ (箱) No.3 動物運搬車 【 ネコポス不可 】
480 円 (税込)
▼この商品は【トミカ (箱) No.3 動物運搬車】です。 子供にも大人にも大人気の定番TOMICAです!! こちらは箱タイプです。 アクション:本体取り外し/動物脱着 発売日:2012年4月21日 ■22463 ■メーカー:タカラトミー ■分類:玩具 ■code:20161108 ■JAN:4904810438908(C)TOMY

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楽天ウェブサービスセンター CS Shop